Break Myths About HIV With Gilead COMPASS Initiative®

While the entire world is dealing with novel coronavirus, there is more issue that needs our attention. It’s HIV. While some of you might think that this health issue has been there for quite a long time and does not need our attention, the truth is different. It’s because people who are suffering from HIV are facing so many problems because of the myths that are revolving around it. Click here to know more.

Hopefully, there are non-profitable organizations like yours that are spreading awareness about HIV. Such organizations have played a major role in HIV stigma reduction and have improved the lives of so many people by doing stigma reduction.

But there is one thing that is stopping these organizations from reaching out to more and more people. It is limited funding options. If limited funding is causing trouble, you don’t have to worry because Gilead COMPASS Initiative® has got your back.

What is Gilead COMPASS Initiative®?

It is an initiative that is started by Gilead Sciences, Inc. to help people dealing with HIV lead a better life. This initiative has helped so many non-profitable organizations with getting the right Gilead HIV resource.

Gilead COMPASS Initiative® is not just helping the non-profitable organization by offering the funds but is supporting them with medicine, food, shelter, accommodation, and confidence. This initiative wants to raise awareness so that people dealing with HIV don’t have to lead a life where neither their family nor society is accepting them.

So, if you want to reduce HIV Gilead, you can visit the website of Gilead COMPASS Initiative®. There you will see an option called apply for funding. You can click on it to see the different funding options that are available. You can find different funding options like training & consultations, grants, and more.

If you are thinking about what makes Gilead COMPASS Initiative® better than other such platforms, it’s the way this initiative works. This initiative has been continuously working with different organizations to reduce the HIV/AIDS stigma in the Southern United States. Visit here to know more.

This initiative has also formed COMPASS Coordinating Centers to share knowledge, build awareness, promote holistic wellness, reduce HIV-related stigma, and offer trauma-informed care. So, if you are interested in joining hands with Gilead COMPASS Initiative®, check its website today to know more about the coordinated centers and other things.

For more information, visit


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