Gilead COMPASS Initiative®: Together Let’s Help Reduce Stigma HIV from Southern US

 There are many of you who believe that the problem of HIV/AIDS is not a bigger issue in society. But the fact is that the conditions are not as great as you think. Especially, when you go towards the southern United States, you will see how miserably the African Americans can be treated in society and how their state of mind is. When an HIV patient is asked to leave his family or is not accepted by society, what goes through them. The mental state and moral of a person affected by HIV goes through many hormonal changes affecting their moods. If you know of someone who needs help with HIV stigma reduction, then you must seek help from Gilead COMPASS Initiative® in the southern United States. 

 The Gilead COMPASS Initiative® is a group of people who understands the problem of HIV/AID and helps the local organizations with charity, education, medication and treatment of stigma reduction. The experts who are associated with the initiative provide individual and group training to people who volunteer to help organizations supporting HIV affected people. They arrange charity raising programs and even host educational seminars in colleges and schools for spreading awareness about the topic and breaking the common myths that people have registered in their mind. Click here to see the list of things the Gilead COMPASS Initiative®  does for helping the society.

The HIV stigma reduction program is conducted in three centres located in the southern United States. In these training programs, the first addresses the purpose of the initiative and helps individuals and groups understand that they are here to support and help patients with HIV. They help patients deal with stress and reduce anxiety caused by the effect of medication. To know more, click

Gilead COMPASS Initiative® believes in creating a long-term and strong relationship with individual leaders who will help shape the future and the people who are closely surrounded with HIV positive patients so that in case of any need, you know where you can find help.

If you want to know facts about how many people and groups have been supported by the Gilead COMPASS Initiative® in the past, visit here to know the figures. If you want to support the initiative and become a member of the group, you can get in touch with the team and follow the procedure to become an active supporter.

For more information, visit


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