Learn What is Stigma HIV Reduction and How Can You Find Help

HIV was declared an epidemic long back. There were several tests done and the conclusion that scientists and researchers came to was that HIV is not a problem that can be transmitted to another person just by being in the presence of an HIV+ person. There are many myths that people in the United States of America have in their minds. They do have negative or orthodox thoughts and ideas about people who have HIV. One of the most stupid beliefs is that people belonging to the African American community are most likely to get affected by HIV. Therefore, they are ill-treated and are even pushed out of society. Click here to know the current status of HIV patients in the US. Today, we want to address what is HIV stigma , how can you help people to reduce it and what is the need to change the perspective of people towards HIV patients. 1. HIV stigma is commonly a term used for a negative or backward approach towards HIV patients. The prejudice beliefs need to be changed and for t...