Reducing HIV Stigma Important for Providing Access to Effective Treatment

Numerous diseases in the world have been marked as an epidemic by the World Health Organization. These diseases have affected millions of people around the world and disrupted their lives. Not only has the disease affected the people, but the stigma associated with these diseases has also worsened the situation for the patients. This stigma association is mostly seen towards HIV positive people. You might have heard stories where people were dismissed from their jobs or thrown out of their families because they tested positive for HIV. This HIV stigma has ruined lives and prohibited people from finding new opportunities and living a normal life. This stigma is not only in society but also in the healthcare system. The HIV stigma has resulted in reduced levels of care or denial of health services to affected people. There is also a lack of initiative to develop new medicines and treatments for this condition. Most of the HIV positive people are left with inefficient treatment plan...